Banquet Scene

Describe the famous Banquet scene and comment on it.


                                                  The “Macbeth” reaches its height point in act III, scene IV which is known as the famous banquet scene, the coronation banquet hosted by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The scene is undoubtedly a master’s stroke of dramatic art of creative imagination in the hand’s of Shakespeare.

                                                                The scene is happened in the hall of Macbeth’s castle. He invites the guest to take their seats according to their ranks. Macbeth and his wife welcome the guest. Then Macbeth is interrupted by a call. He goes to the door where one of the murderers of Banquo is waiting for him. He learns from the murderer that Banquo has been slain but his son Fleance has escape. This news upsets Macbeth. His mind becomes ones more in trouble in fear. Meanwhile, the murderer leaves. Lady Macbeth comes and asks to Macbeth that he should join in the banquet with the guest. At that time Lenox asks him to be sitted in his chair. As soon as he proceeds to occupy his seat. At that time Banquo’s ghost comes and sits in the place reserved for him. Macbeth is perplexed. However he addresses the guest and says that if Banquo were present he would have got all the distinguished person. But when he again at the request of Rosse goes to take his seat, he again sees the ghost of Banquo is sitting on his chair at that moment, the site of gory lock hair of Banquo’s ghost upsets Macbeth. He addresses the ghost and openly says that he did not murder Banquo. All the guests are startled and amazed to hear it.

                                                   Lady Macbeth now quickly comes for her husband’s help. She explains the guests that her husband frequently has such hysteric fits though they are momentary. She also addresses the guest that if they pay their attention to him his condition will be worse. So they should go on their eating and drinking without caring for him. She then whispers Macbeth to put away his fear. She tells him that he should join the guest whom he was invited. Macbeth addresses the ghost and asks to speak with him. But the ghost vanishes and, he now regains his self control and begs pardon. He explains his strange behavior as an infirmity which was over taken him. He calls for more drinks for hospitality of the guest. He again wishes that Banquo should be present in the coronation feast. No sooner had Macbeth expressed his desire then again the ghost of Banquo appears before his eyes. Again Macbeth acts like a person suffering from mental derangement and disorder. The secret would have been revealed. But Lady Macbeth saves the situation with great skill. She request the guest not to speak with her husband and advises them to leave the banquet. The guest, according to her, leave the hall, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are then left alone on the stage. Macbeth’s conscience dwindles. Mac duff had stayed away from the banquet. His mind is disturbed. However, he keeps away his fear and conscience. He resolves to commit crime after crime. He, meanwhile, desires to meet the weird sister. His wife lovingly soothes his excited nerves by coaxing him into bed.

                                               The banquet scene shows the operation of nemesis. This scene is also called the scene of discovery. The banquet scene throws enough light on the character of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Till now lady Macbeth shows her resoluteness. Macbeth is still now in nervous tension. After this lady Macbeth sinks and expressed her crime torture mind in the sleep walking scene.
